The Magic of Coincidences: Signs from Your Higher Self

In life, we all experience those uncanny moments where things seem to line up in ways that feel almost too perfect to be random. In this post, we’ll explore the magic behind these coincidences, revealing how they are actually signs from your higher self—your higher mind or consciousness—working in mysterious ways.

While the word "coincidence" typically refers to the chance occurrence of unrelated events, I’ll use it here to mean something deeper. These moments are not random at all but orchestrated by a higher force. Some prefer the term "synchronicity," which acknowledges the meaningful connections behind these events. But whether you call it coincidence or synchronicity, the magic remains the same. Let’s dive into what makes these moments so powerful!

If you'd prefer to watch a video instead of reading this post, check out the video below on my YouTube channel "Elevate with Em" for a detailed exploration of the same topic!

An Amazing Scarab Story

One of the most striking examples of synchronicity involves a scarab beetle. I’ve always been captivated by these moments of coincidence, having experienced many that left me awestruck. One day, I decided to delve deeper into what coincidences truly mean and stumbled upon a YouTube video about a famous incident involving the renowned psychologist Carl Jung.

In the story, Jung was working with a patient who had dreamt of a golden scarab. As they discussed this dream, an insect tapped at the window, and Jung let it in—only to find it was a scarab beetle! This event was a perfect example of synchronicity in action.

Inspired by this story, I ordered a book by Jung on the subject of synchronicity. That very evening, a curious coincidence occurred. While sitting outside with my husband, I noticed a giant insect with large mandibles and an unusual upright flying style. Amazingly, another identical insect followed shortly after. We had lived in this area for nearly a decade, and yet we had never seen anything like these insects before.

Intrigued, I rushed to my computer to identify them. It turns out they were likely European stag beetles, known for their upright flying behavior. The connection between hearing the scarab story, ordering the book, and encountering these beetles for the first time in my life was a mind-blowing synchronistic event.

The Purpose of a True Coincidence

So, what is a true coincidence? It’s when two or more unrelated events come together in a meaningful way. Think about Jung’s experience: a patient dreams of a scarab, they talk about it, and then a real scarab appears. These moments are not mere chance—they reflect a deeper connection between events, suggesting that a higher force is at play.

Synchronistic moments align our inner experiences with outer realities, often serving as signs that we are in tune with the universe. When you are aligned with your higher self, these magical coincidences tend to occur more frequently. They offer guidance, comfort, or validation, helping us live in harmony with our true purpose. Each of these moments is highly personal, carrying messages that only we can fully interpret.

How to Invite More Magic into Your Life

If you find yourself encountering more and more meaningful coincidences, it’s a sign that you are connected to your higher consciousness. However, if these moments seem rare, it’s possible to rekindle that connection. Maintaining a calm, open mind—what some call "living meditation"—can help you better align with your higher self and invite more magic into your life.

Here are three practical ways to bring more synchronicity into your everyday life:

  1. Keep a Journal
    Write down any coincidences you experience. Documenting these moments allows you to recognize patterns and gain insights into their hidden meanings.

  2. Stay Present
    Being relaxed, open, and observant increases your chances of noticing the synchronicities around you. Living in the present moment helps you catch these magical occurrences as they unfold.

  3. Trust Your Intuition
    Pay attention to your gut feelings and inner whispers. Intuition is the voice of your higher self, guiding you toward meaningful experiences. If coincidences are orchestrated by your higher consciousness, then intuition is the key that helps you unlock them.


So, what do you think? Have you ever experienced coincidences that left you speechless? Feel free to share your own stories in the comments below. Thank you for reading, and may you continue to enjoy the magic of your higher self! 


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